Harmony SOLD
Harmony is 11 years old and has produced all greys, she is mated to our grey stud Avalon and is due June 2023
Eloquence or Ella as she is know by is 12 years old and is mated to our white stud Illustrious, who is the father of many of our cria at Petlake, he not only passes on his dense fleece which stays fine for longer but also his friendly nature. Ella is due May 2023
Charity £2,000
Charity is 9 years old, she has a sweet nature and is mated to our white stud Illustrious, who is the father of many of our cria at Petlake, he not only passes on his dense fleece which stays fine for longer but also his friendly nature. Charity is due May 2023
Gigi £3,000
Gigi is 5 years old and is Charity's daughter so we would prefer them to be sold together, she is mated to our fawn stud Bubbling Hot who has the most amazing dense fleece with fabulous crimp. Gigi is due in June 2023